Sunday 20 November 2011

Blog-iku Nr 0 or What is a Blog-iku?

What is a blog-iku?

Haiku is a short Japanese poetic form
graspic a tiny part of reality in a minimal limited number of words.

A touch, a breath, a view, short but meaningful...

Sometimes I have a thought, a line, a shred of an idea but not full of  a post
and publishing hundreds of post-scriptums may not be elegant, therefore..

...a blog-iku  was born :)


  1. Heya Maja

    Blog-iku should be "Blog-Haiku or Blog-haiku."

    One haiku that I remember until today was written by some unknown Japanese "Haikuist."

    Sound like this:

    Kare eda ni...

    Tomari keri...

    Aki no kure...

    It telling about a birds.



  2. Hey again Sam

    Well, i m not sure you can say "should"... i mean i have my artistic licence :) so.. i can write what i want :-) , but thanks for the suggestion... I liked 'blog-iku' a blog haiku-like form, sounded just right for me. Anyway thanks! will check that haiku out!
